Fishing Magnets
Integrity™ 360 Degrees Neodymium Fishing Magnet 1700KG / 3748LB
£299.95£269.95 -
Evo 60™ 360 Degrees Neodymium Fishing Magnet 600KG / 1322LB
£129.95£105.95 -
400kg Pull Recovery Fishing Magnet
£53.95£45.54 -
Fishing ( recovery / retrieval ) magnets are among the most powerful magnets available on the market. We offer wide range of recovery or fishing magnets, starting from 20kg pull up to a 1600kg pull neodymium magnet. Why would you need such mangets? Fishing magnets are often used for “magnet fishing”. Recovery or magnet fishing is bascially searching in outdoor waters for ferromagnetics objects that can be “fished” with a strong fishing magnet.